Friday 8 January 2016

A Protest for Peace

I have been called many names,
My methods are told to be impractical,
My words have been avoided and dispelled,
I have been considered to be a man with no realistic thoughts;

But I shall continue to spread my words,
I shall continue to tell the countries of the world to ban wars,
To follow the method of peace,
To prove themselves through cooperation not domination;

I will try to spread the method of peace till I die,
Because I have heard a great man once say that,
"An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind."

Thursday 28 May 2015

Diverging Universe, Converging World

A big boom! It was after this big bang that the universe started expanding, generously providing space for all those baby stars and rocks and planets to live. We never knew our universe was expanding until Edwin Hubble discovered it when he found that the further away a galaxy was, the more its spectral lines were red shifted. So nearby galaxies are moving away from us slowly and far away galaxies are moving away much more quickly. At a symposium, Stephen Hawking had stated that at the recent times the universe is expanding faster than ever in the recent times.

Along with the diverging universe are its beings diverging; the galaxies are diverging, the stars are expanding and the planets are moving. But there is just one creature that is not diverging but converging, a species at least importance in such a vast universe- us, the humans. We are coming closer each day, breaking the territorial and traditional barriers of the world. No difference in believes or looks are holding back the people. We are now one society with a mono-culture and a mono-language. We are moving towards globalisation. We now accept and understand each other’s believes and idols. There are no more arcane cults within this society. The society is not acquiesced to blind superstitions. What explains this situation of enlightenment? The answer can be said in three simple words- advancements in technology. May we be talking about technological advancements in transport or communication, we have to still agree that without smart companions we have now, the globalization would have never been possible. It was the same intrepid master brains who provided us the vision of outlook of the skies and stars that gave us all this helpful technologies around us.

Even when we say that converged and not diverge or expand; we did expand but in our hearts. With every new compartment of universe discovered or opened, new compartments of our hearts were opened. Our hearts expanded to fill in more tolerance, acceptance and above all else love- love for our mother and father, love for our religion, love for our country and love for our mother Earth. However naughty and disobedient one may be and how well behaved the other son be, a mother will always love all her children equally; it is the day that we understand this we will start loving our brother or sister and mother. This is the same way that we open up our eyes to the justice, equality, love, care and compassion our mother earth that we start loving our brothers and sisters from different races and culture. This is the time we can call ourselves globalised and human.

Globalization teaches the person to take sorrow for misshapen of brothers across the seas. Globalization teaches a person to be greedier in terms acquiring knowledge about your surroundings and learning about the different cultures and religions of the world. How many ever disadvantages of globalization pointed out, we should realize that without the modernization and the converging that brought up the influx and revolutionary ideas, we would be no close in unraveling the mysteries our father universe gave us. Without globalization, we would still be in the darkest of the path that leads to the light.

The universe is our father, carrying all his children- the stars, comets, moons, planets and all other living beings on his shoulder. It is not that he cannot drop of the humans on his journey but it is because he sees hope in us. He knows the convergence of our society will lead to our enrichment in solving the unexplained mysteries of the diverging space. To understand the soul of universe, to advance in technological and social skills. This is where the convergence and divergence joins hands, for the betterment of a planet so small yet so important. 

Friday 23 January 2015

Malala Yousafzai -The Epitome of Courage

"I don't want to be remembered as the girl who was shot. I want to be remembered as the girl who stood up."

A patron of courage, freedom, and education, a symbol of greatness; there is a lot more to describe the 18 year old girl from Swat, Pakistan- Malala Yousafzai.

She was one of the many girls who was denied the right to education in Pakistan by the terrorist organization , but what made her different was her courage. Her courage to stand up and say,"No, I want the right I was born with." She was threatened to death by the terrorists but Malala did not back down. Fearing her courage, the terrorists shot her in the head in front of her innocent friends. But she survived to tell the world the cruelties of Taliban- the terrorist organization. She lived on to further empower the right to education for children and safety for women.

Just at 18 years of age Malala has earned great recognition for her priceless efforts. She became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate in the year of 2014. Her dreams and her words are carried in hearts of millions of people like me. Her simplicity and confidence are the values that makes her my inspiration. Her courageous life proves how easy and tenseness life we lead.

There are some people who always stay in the hearts of people thus never die, Malala Yousafzai is undoubtedly one of such person.

The Great Teacher -Spiderweb

A spiderweb may not appeal to us but if observed carefully, it can take us to a new level of courage and confidence.

A complete spiderweb is formed within a few hours, but in that time there is diligent hard work and commitment put behind it and these webs are destroyed every now and then still the spiders repair and improvise their webs so never lose faith and be better every new day until you are perfect. A spider builds a web on its own thus do not rely too much on other,work the way you love.How small the spider,it creates an extraordinary legacy so how good you are at what you are doing, always think big and be the extraordinary.

“What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. But create anyway.” –  this is a quote said by Mother Teresa.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Should School Uniform be Mandatory in all Schools?

The school uniform has proven to be an enormously complicated question in many countries. The subject often touches on deep-rooted philosophic principles.It is also of increasing concern to parents and students. School for most children is major experience outside the home. School clothing did not used to be a great issue. Parents chose it or school had a uniform. But in the modern age,children have become more concern with their clothes.

In schools today there is much emphasis on designer outfits. There is too much of having to keep-up with one another, putting parents in a horrible position of having to spend money on clothes and accessories that their children really don't need. this is why uniforms should be required in schools.

Students should allowed to wear the dress as they please,regarding the school dress code. if students are following the dress code,there is no need to have school uniforms. School uniforms can decrease a student's self-esteem. Letting them wear what they want gives them an opportunity to express themselves.

As per my opinion,school uniforms can reduce or stop bullying and discrimination on the basis of appearance. A poor child is always most likely to get bullied by rich children on the quality or colour of the dress of the poor child. Uniforms will stress that individuality and self-expression are not based on designer clothing or the latest fashion fad. Uniforms also readily identifies the children who belong to school and not. So school uniform should be mandatory in all schools.

Even though I am adamantly arguing for school uniform,I know that this argument or the discussion is the concern of the privileged who can afford school uniforms. I am aware that millions of underprivileged children - they do not have even a piece of cloth to cover their body. I express my sincere solidarity towards them.   

Monday 18 February 2013


“Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood.” These are the words of world renowned scientist  Albert  Einstein about Mahatma Gandhiji   .
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar
Gandhi dedicated his life to the wider purpose of discovering truth, or Satya. He tried to achieve this by learning from his own mistakes and conducting experiments on himself. He was proud of the fact that he had never told a lie to his teachers or classmates; the slightest aspersion on his character drew his tears. He called his autobiography The Story of My Experiments with Truth.
What had truth and vows to do with politics? It was a question which often recurred in Indian politics, and if Gandhi was not confounded by it, it was because, far back in South Africa, he had observed and confirmed the connection. For a man who was no doctrinaire, and whose theory often lagged behind practice, it was a decided advantage that the scene of his early activities should have been one where he was unfettered by political precedents or professionals. Natal and Transvaal were no bigger than some of the smallest provinces of India. The struggle for Indian independence was conducted Gandhi on much larger scale and on much bigger issues, but there were not a few occasions when he derived inspiration from his experience in South Africa.
Those who do not know him think there is some unworthy motive behind, some Oriental ‘slimness’ to account for such profound unworldliness. But those who know him well are ashamed of themselves in his presence. Money I think has no charm for him. His compatriots…wonder at him, grow angry at his strange unselfishness, and love him with the love of pride and trust. He is one of those outstanding characters with whom to walk is a liberal education…whom to know is to love."

The Man with a Vision

Look up at the stars and not down at your feet,' says
Stephen Hawking, the world's most famous living scientist and a symbol of the triumph of willpower over adversity, has celebrated his 70th birthday, revealing he did not learn to read properly until he was eight years old, and that his school friends had made a bet that he "would never come to anything".
A public symposium in Cambridge was told that, far from being top of the class, he was never more than half-way up. "My classwork was very untidy, and my handwriting was the despair of my teachers," he said. "But my classmates gave me the nickname Einstein, so presumably they saw signs of something better.